First Website Goal
To provide compelling information for your visitors in such a way that encourages them to take action: buy something, subscribe to a list, send an email or call for information.
Second Website Goal
To attract search engine spiders (robots that index your site) and provide them with the information they need to establish the value of your website.
Sounds simple enough right? Well believe it or not most small business websites fail at both website goals because they don't understand the importance of either. They just assume that "we have" a website so customers will just come. How Wrong They Are! Build it and they will come doesn't apply anymore. You have to know how to build your website to attact traffic.
Let's pretend we are in the "log home" business
The guinea pig we will be using for our business model throughout this internet marketing tutorial is the "log home" industry. Like most small businesses, log home dealers and builders generally service a local geographic area and this example will serve as a model with which many businesses can identify. The need to create a compelling website, interact with customers and prospects, market their services online and attract local interest is ideal for our purposes.
Domain Name...Got One?