_You have less than 3 seconds to capture a web visitors attention.
In many cases businesses spend tens of thousands of dollars in traditional advertising and marketing to drive consumers to a web site that fails to capture their prospect’s interest. In a matter of seconds your web presence will make an initial impression on the visitor that will determine if they continue their review of your business or simply move on to another provider. Our Process Design of any type is driven by an underlying strategy and effective web design is no different. Our process starts with a detailed exploration of what the business is looking to accomplish and the role your website will play.
We Play By Their Rules To Ensure You Rule! All along the way we work closely with our clients to make sure their site is the best possible representation of their business and helps support their objective to secure more business. In today's economy and moving forward to the future, having a well balanced, well designed, and a quality website that people want to share is a must. We employ a 5 step website development process with every website we develop. |
STEP 1 - NEEDS EVALUATION & KEYWORD RESEARCHWe collect information about your business and what your expectations are for your website. Is it an informational website or will you be selling products or services. Do you have a domain name that is most relevant to your business?
What's your target demographics? Who are your local competition? What keywords do people use to find your business? This step of discovery is very important to ensure that we build a website that meets your requirements, that's why we speed a full week at this stage. This will lay the foundation for your website so we spend quite a bit of time in this area before we do anything else. Here we will determine your core target audience. |
STEP 2 - STRATEGYIn our strategy stage, we layout the specifics of how your website will be built. This is done thru our sitemap design process. A sitemap outlines every aspect of how your website will be built, what pages will be involved and how each page interacts with each other internally as well as externally.
This sitemap is the "floor plan" of a website so that anyone working on your website knows exactly what's going on. You can say it's the "foreman" of any website we do. This is an important step to ensure we have everything ready before we start the building process. |
STEP 3 - PLANOnce we have your strategy complete, we move to plan. This step will define how we will position your website to compete with your competition and design a website that complements your offerings.
We will determine content to match your products and/or services. We will work closely with you to come up with content for your website leveraging our expert copywriters as needed. We will determine the right template as the starting point and utilize our team of graphic designers, web developers and social media experts. We will also determine the right images to use, recommend any additional media such as video to use for your website to boost your rankings. |
STEP 4 - BUILD & DEPLOYWell here we are ready to build your website and this is an exciting time for us and you. At this stage we are building your website according to the information we've collected in the previous stages. This is where the tires meet the road so to speak. At this stage, we require your feedback to make sure we are going down the right road and that you are happy with the overall look and feel of your website.
Any changes to the original plans will need to be made during that stage. We will build each page with seo properties to ensure your website has the best possible chance of reaching page one on organic searches. We will implement best practices when it comes to building content rich pages so that your website stays relevant even if the search engines change their algorithms. Once we have completed your website, it's time to bring it live and share it with the world. |
STEP 5 - TEST, MEASURE & EVOLVEYour new website needs time to mature, grow and get noticed. The biggest misconception about a website is "build it and they will come" this is not true. A new website needs time to get indexed by the search engines and for them to determine where in the billions of other websites they will rank you for your niche.
That's why it's very important that we spend quality time in steps 1-3. Without these very important steps your website won't have a chance at showing up on page one of any search engine, no matter how good it looks on screen. In today's race to page 1 dominance, more and more websites are ranking well due to the fact that they are well developed and understand what the search engines want. Bottom line is they want websites that have quality content that leads to a great user experience and is shared by other websites this shows social proof. We monitor your website for the next 30 days to see how it's doing on search terms and if needed we tweak pages to help it score a higher position on search results. |